Stults House Decorates their Activity Room

ձ𳦲’s program in Portland, Oregon recently spiffed up their activity room by adding a beautiful, completely original, scenic mural painted by staff and residents. They started with an image of the as a guide, with each participant adding their personal creativity.

When asked what would be a good title for the mural, residents suggested calling it Sunrise, The River, or Coming Together to Paint.

“We all took part in something great. It increased our bond for something special,” said one resident.

Another resident said watching the paint and looking at it after was their favorite part, while another’s was painting the sunrise.

The mural is on a wall in the art and activity room of the five-bed residential program, where Recovery Specialist Dani Dierking regularly facilitates art therapy groups.

Art therapy is a powerful vehicle for communication for those with mental illness. It can allow for residents to develop greater insight into themselves, their lives, and their recovery,” said Dani. “It can be used to help residents learn to self-regulate and to organize their thoughts. It also is an excellent way to help residents learn the social skills to support one another through creating art, which was exemplified in this mural project.”

Overall, it was a fantastic effort by all and an awesome example of and the recovery model in action.

A big thank you to all the staff and residents that created such beautiful imagery for their program, as well as Dani for submitting the story!